Behind the battle over public lands

Public lands rally at the Montana State Capitol on Jan. 30, 2017 - Greg Lindstrom, Flathead Beacon
Public lands rally at the Montana State Capitol on Jan. 30, 2017 – Greg Lindstrom, Flathead Beacon

Over at the Flathead Beacon, Tristan Scott has a lengthy, well-researched article on the public lands debate.

Recommended reading . . .

On Jan. 30, a lively crowd of more than 1,000 public land advocates packed the Capitol rotunda floor, lining the balconies of the statehouse in Helena while chanting, “Keep public lands in public hands,” and waving signs denouncing the sale of “Our American Heritage.”

Conrad Anker, the famous mountaineer who has summited Mount Everest three times and who lives in Bozeman, raised his chin and literally howled at the high-domed ceiling, invoking the wild heritage of Montana’s outdoors and calling on attendees to protect public land while holding their lawmakers accountable. “We do not inherit the earth from our ancestors; we borrow it from our children,” he said, paraphrasing Duwamish Chief Seattle.

Fly-fishing guide and Trout TV host Hilary Hutcheson, who grew up in Columbia Falls and is raising her daughters under the banner of Glacier National Park’s peak-studded boundary, said the quality of her family’s outdoor environment is critically linked to their livelihood.

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