July 10, 2004

Salvage makes room for bears

From the Thursday, July 8, 2004 issue of the Hungry Horse News . . .

The Forest Service last week released its plan for salvaging timber from the Robert and Wedge Canyon fires of 2003--a plan that sets aside about 8,000 acres for grizzly bears.

The Robert Fire burned about 13,000 acres in the National Forest north of Columbia Falls, and the Wedge Canyon Fire burned about 21,526 acres of National Forest from Trail Creek south.

Of that acreage, the plan calls for salvage logging on about 5,800 acres. The timber should yield about 42 million board feet of lumber, the plan says.

The plan also calls for closing several miles of road, including decommissioning about 15 miles in the Canyon/ McGinnis Creek areas and placing a seasonal restriction on the McGinnis Creek Road proper.

To view the entire plan, which is more than 200 pages long complete with maps, go to the Flathead National Forest Web site at: http://www.fs.fed.us/r1/flathead/ and click on "NEPA Projects."

Read the entire article . . .

Posted by nfpa at July 10, 2004 08:16 PM