Tag Archives: public lands

Murkowski amendment stirs up national opposition to federal lands transfer

The debate over transferring large chunks of federal lands to state control has gone national . . .

Stung by a recent vote in Congress, national conservation groups are mustering opposition to an increasing call from many western states to transfer federal lands to state control.

The U.S. Senate last month narrowly approved a budget amendment sponsored by Sen. Lisa Murkowski, R-Alaska, that could set the stage for future legislation to sell or transfer federal lands to state or local governments.

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Poll: Montanans believe federal lands belong to U.S., not state

Further evidence that this idea of turning federal lands over to state control is a minority view . . .

A nonpartisan survey of Rocky Mountain state voters found 68 percent consider federal public lands as “American places” rather than places that belong to the people of individual states.

“It was striking to see they grasp these are American places by a 2-to-1 margin,” Republican pollster Lori Weigel said of the 2015 Western States Survey released Tuesday. “And there was significant intensity behind that. A greater proportion of people felt strongly about that.”

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Bills introduced to protect access to public lands and waters

There are a couple of bills in process at the state level to address a growing problem with private individuals gating off public roads and waterways . . .

The Montana Wildlife Federation and the Public Land/Water Access Association say they are promoting two bills to address the growing problem of people blocking off large tracts of public land by gating public rights of way. The bills seek to improve public access to public lands by keeping public roads open.

Dave Chadwick, executive director of the Montana Wildlife Federation, said the bills have been carefully planned to ensure that they protect both public access to public land and wildlife and private property rights.

“Responsible hunters value private property rights as much as they value public access to wildlife,” Chadwick said. “Our goal is to elevate and protect both of these important Montana values. Our beef is not with landowners — it’s with people who unilaterally decide to close public roads. Law-abiding farmers, ranchers and other property owners should support these bills.”

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