Tag Archives: Flathead Beacon

Beacon posts articles marking 40th anniversary of Endangered Species Act

The Flathead Beacon recently published a well-written pair of articles marking the 40th anniversary of the introduction of the Endangered Species Act. Both are worth a read . . .

The Road to Recovery – By the spring of 1973, the American conservation movement had reached a boiling point. The early warnings from visionaries like Theodore Roosevelt, who promoted stewardship of the country’s natural wonders and resources or risk losing a sacred heritage, had presaged the concerned state of the wild interior. Continue reading . . .

How the Endangered Species Act Changed Everything – In the four decades since Congress passed the Endangered Species Act, widely regarded as the crown jewel of the nation’s environmental laws, the watershed legislation has led to the recovery of a suite of species that once hung on the brink of extinction. Continue reading . . .