Tag Archives: Pieps avalanche transceivers

Larry Wilson: Search and rescue practice

Larry reports on the recent North Valley Search and Rescue winter training session . . .

Recently, North Valley Search and Rescue held their annual winter training at the Wilson and Ogle cabins. This year, more than 40 members took part in the Saturday training, and “sleep-overs” were held at Wilsons, Ogles, Hoilands and Braunigs. In addition, local residents help out as role players, and we invite others to just visit and learn a little about what we do.

Wide-area mock searches have been more that a little limited in recent years due to Forest Service closure of most public land in the area. This is the result of a behind-closed-doors agreement between the Forest Service, Montana Snowmobilers Association and the Montana Wilderness Association. I guess each of those three got all or part of what they wanted and were willing to give the old raspberry to anyone or everyone else.

Nevertheless, the training was valuable, covering fire building and shelter building as well as map, compass, GPS introduction. Big event was a mock search involving vehicles, ATV and snowmachines. Purpose is to practice actual procedures used in a real search.

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