More detail on Montana wilderness proposals

As mentioned in a couple of earlier posts today, Sen. Jon Tester is looking at backing a number of possible wilderness designation proposals. The previous post links to an article giving a pretty good overview of the Beaverhead-Deerlodge proposals, but is quite vague on the one in the Seeley Lake area and another in “northwestern Montana.” However, there were enough clues to track down some useful information.

Turns out, the “northwestern Montana” item is part of the “Three Rivers Challenge,” a legislative proposal put together by the Lincoln County Coalition that would affect the Kootenai National Forest. A draft of the proposal is available on their web site.

The Seeley Lake area proposed wilderness designation is primarily an extension to the southwestern boundaries of the Bob Marshall and Scapegoat Wildernesses. It’s part of a larger package put together by the Blackfoot Clearwater Stewardship Project. Their web site contains a summary of the wilderness designation proposal, as well as a project map.