The Wild Rivers Film Tour comes to Casey’s in Whitefish on Wednesday, April 3. Doors open at 6:00pm; movies start at 7:00pm. Tickets are $12.
For more details, including where to obtain tickets, here’s the write-up sent around by Montanans for Healthy Rivers . . .
As Montana’s rivers begin to thaw out from record-setting cold temperatures this winter, river lovers of the Treasure State can add a little stoke to spring’s warmth with an inspiring collection of films presented in the 2019 Wild Rivers Film Tour.
Nine magnificent films carry the audience through 110 minutes of emotional and exhilarating cinema. The 2019 selections include: Testimony to Congress: In Defense of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, Hallowed Waters – Legacy and Lifeblood of the Big Blackfoot, The Last Green Thread, Hank Patterson’s Wild and Scenic Rivers Act: Fact vs. Fictions, Glen Canyon Rediscovered, Grand Canyon Water, Shred for the South Fork, and Run Wild Run Free.
The Wild Rivers Film Tour promotes the next age of river conservation in Montana and advocates for the introduction of the Montana Headwaters Security Act. The Montana Headwaters Security Act proposes to use Wild & Scenic River designations to keep iconic rivers on public lands in Montana clean and free-flowing. The effort is supported by Montanans for Healthy Rivers – a coalition of businesses, private land owners, sportsmen and conservation groups.
All Showtimes: Doors 6:00pm Films 7:00pm
Cost: $12. Tickets available at the door or in advance at http://greateryellowstone.org/tix
More Info: https://www.facebook.com/WildRiversFilmTour/
Presented by: American Rivers and the Greater Yellowstone Coalition